- Distance::ClusterExerciseSimulated minke whale data with cluster size
- Distance::ClusterExercise_unitsSimulated minke whale data with cluster size
- Distance::CueCountingExampleCue counts of whale blows
- Distance::CueCountingExample_unitsCue counts of whale blows
- Distance::DuikerCameraTrapsDuiker camera trap survey
- Distance::ETP_DolphinEastern Tropical Pacific spotted dolphin survey
- Distance::ETP_Dolphin_unitsEastern Tropical Pacific spotted dolphin survey
- Distance::LTExerciseSimulated line transect survey data
- Distance::PTExerciseSimulated point transect survey data
- Distance::PTExercise_unitsSimulated point transect survey data
- Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1980Savanna sparrow point transects
- Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1980_unitsSavanna sparrow point transects
- Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1981Savanna sparrow point transects
- Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1981_unitsSavanna sparrow point transects
- Distance::Stratify_exampleSimulated minke whale data
- Distance::Stratify_example_unitsSimulated minke whale data
- Distance::Systematic_variance_1Simulation of encounter rate variance
- Distance::Systematic_variance_1_unitsSimulation of encounter rate variance
- Distance::Systematic_variance_2Simulation of encounter rate variance
- Distance::Systematic_variance_2_unitsSimulation of encounter rate variance
- Distance::amakihiHawaiian amakihi point transect data
- Distance::amakihi_unitsHawaiian amakihi point transect data
- Distance::capercaillieCapercaillie in Monaughty Forest
- Distance::capercaillie_unitsCapercaillie in Monaughty Forest
- Distance::ducknestDucknest line transect survey data
- Distance::ducknest_unitsDucknest line transect survey data
- Distance::golfteesGolf tee data
- Distance::golftees_unitsGolf tee data
- Distance::minkeSimulated minke whale data
- Distance::sikadeerSika deer pellet data from southern Scotland
- Distance::sikadeer_unitsSika deer pellet data from southern Scotland
- Distance::unimakSimulated line transect survey data with covariates
- Distance::unimak_unitsSimulated line transect survey data with covariates
- Distance::wren_5minSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- Distance::wren_cuecountSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- Distance::wren_cuecount_unitsSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- Distance::wren_ltSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- Distance::wren_lt_unitsSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- Distance::wren_snapshotSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- Distance::wren_snapshot_unitsSteve Buckland's winter wren surveys
- dsm::distdataPan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
- dsm::obsdataPan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
- dsm::preddataPan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
- dsm::segdataPan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
- mads::mads.dataExample simulated data used to demonstrate the package functionality
- mrds::book.tee.dataGolf tee data used in chapter 6 of Advanced Distance Sampling examples
- mrds::lfbcviBlack-capped vireo mark-recapture distance sampling analysis
- mrds::lfgcwaGolden-cheeked warbler mark-recapture distance sampling analysis
- mrds::pronghornPronghorn aerial survey data from Wyoming
- mrds::ptdata.distanceSingle observer point count data example from Distance
- mrds::ptdata.dualSimulated dual observer point count data
- mrds::ptdata.removalSimulated removal observer point count data
- mrds::ptdata.singleSimulated single observer point count data
- mrds::stake77Wooden stake data from 1977 survey
- mrds::stake78Wooden stake data from 1978 survey