1. Distance::ClusterExercise
    Simulated minke whale data with cluster size
  2. Distance::ClusterExercise_units
    Simulated minke whale data with cluster size
  3. Distance::CueCountingExample
    Cue counts of whale blows
  4. Distance::CueCountingExample_units
    Cue counts of whale blows
  5. Distance::DuikerCameraTraps
    Duiker camera trap survey
  6. Distance::ETP_Dolphin
    Eastern Tropical Pacific spotted dolphin survey
  7. Distance::ETP_Dolphin_units
    Eastern Tropical Pacific spotted dolphin survey
  8. Distance::LTExercise
    Simulated line transect survey data
  9. Distance::PTExercise
    Simulated point transect survey data
  10. Distance::PTExercise_units
    Simulated point transect survey data
  11. Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1980
    Savanna sparrow point transects
  12. Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1980_units
    Savanna sparrow point transects
  13. Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1981
    Savanna sparrow point transects
  14. Distance::Savannah_sparrow_1981_units
    Savanna sparrow point transects
  15. Distance::Stratify_example
    Simulated minke whale data
  16. Distance::Stratify_example_units
    Simulated minke whale data
  17. Distance::Systematic_variance_1
    Simulation of encounter rate variance
  18. Distance::Systematic_variance_1_units
    Simulation of encounter rate variance
  19. Distance::Systematic_variance_2
    Simulation of encounter rate variance
  20. Distance::Systematic_variance_2_units
    Simulation of encounter rate variance
  21. Distance::amakihi
    Hawaiian amakihi point transect data
  22. Distance::amakihi_units
    Hawaiian amakihi point transect data
  23. Distance::capercaillie
    Capercaillie in Monaughty Forest
  24. Distance::capercaillie_units
    Capercaillie in Monaughty Forest
  25. Distance::ducknest
    Ducknest line transect survey data
  26. Distance::ducknest_units
    Ducknest line transect survey data
  27. Distance::golftees
    Golf tee data
  28. Distance::golftees_units
    Golf tee data
  29. Distance::minke
    Simulated minke whale data
  30. Distance::sikadeer
    Sika deer pellet data from southern Scotland
  31. Distance::sikadeer_units
    Sika deer pellet data from southern Scotland
  32. Distance::unimak
    Simulated line transect survey data with covariates
  33. Distance::unimak_units
    Simulated line transect survey data with covariates
  34. Distance::wren_5min
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  35. Distance::wren_cuecount
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  36. Distance::wren_cuecount_units
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  37. Distance::wren_lt
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  38. Distance::wren_lt_units
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  39. Distance::wren_snapshot
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  40. Distance::wren_snapshot_units
    Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys
  41. dsm::distdata
    Pan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
  42. dsm::obsdata
    Pan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
  43. dsm::preddata
    Pan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
  44. dsm::segdata
    Pan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
  45. mads::mads.data
    Example simulated data used to demonstrate the package functionality
  46. mrds::book.tee.data
    Golf tee data used in chapter 6 of Advanced Distance Sampling examples
  47. mrds::lfbcvi
    Black-capped vireo mark-recapture distance sampling analysis
  48. mrds::lfgcwa
    Golden-cheeked warbler mark-recapture distance sampling analysis
  49. mrds::pronghorn
    Pronghorn aerial survey data from Wyoming
  50. mrds::ptdata.distance
    Single observer point count data example from Distance
  51. mrds::ptdata.dual
    Simulated dual observer point count data
  52. mrds::ptdata.removal
    Simulated removal observer point count data
  53. mrds::ptdata.single
    Simulated single observer point count data
  54. mrds::stake77
    Wooden stake data from 1977 survey
  55. mrds::stake78
    Wooden stake data from 1978 survey